I completely fell in love with your most whimsical, precious website... Are you sure you live in Brainerd and not Oz??? Or at least Wonderland? Your place sounds so very perfectly peaceful that it seems thy nickname must be Nirvana... L. Crockett
I can almost hear my grandparents' voices telling stories... N. Mercier
You are so refreshing to talk to because you are full of imagination. Thank you for reminding me that I have one too! J. Engesser
My daughter and I couldn't have asked for a more perfect getaway. On the way home, she cried- quite hard. She said she missed our cabin at the B&B and wanted our family to move into that cabin. Another morning this week, she woke up early, crawled into bed with me and said, "Mom, I miss our B&B." So I said to her, "You know that feeling that you had in your heart while we were there?" And we talked about the peace and the laughter. I told her that if either of us get crabby, we can remind each other of the peace. Both of us have used that reminder to re-center ourselves in the busyness of our lives. J. Burns
We had such a lovely stay with you at Whiteley Creek. You know how to make someone feel at home; we were pleasantly surprised by the lack of rules/directions and the feeling that we were your guests rather than customers. P. Eliason
Hello, QotMB. Love your approach to your web site. It really gives potential lodgers a sense of who you are, what your place is like, and most importantly, makes your place memorable. I will think of you as "Queen" until I learn otherwise. Laura H.