"Look at the birds of the air; they neither sow nor reap... yet your Heavenly Father cares for them."
I enlisted the services of Judd Brink, owner of MN Backyard Birds, to provide a weekly service whereby he fills my feeders with different kinds of seeds, as well as nectar and fresh fruit, purchased from a local wild bird store to attract a variety of birds. He replenishes birdbaths with fresh water, maintains feeders' cleanliness, and moves feeders to different locations to increase birds’ usage. I have also purchased two feeding stations from Judd that compliment my existing ones. I have experienced a marked increased and varied bird population since utilizing his services, so much so, that he now provides me with a biweekly service. The word is out... the area birds are inviting their buddies and their buddies buddies for a buffet at Whiteley Creek to the delight of our bed and breakfast guests. Judd is a birding guide so gather your fellow birders and let's talk. I can help you plan a memorable stay by creating a birding package for you.
A side note... Judd purchases his bird cuisine at Brainerd's "Little Farm Market Wild Bird Store". It is the very same store where as a child I accompanied my parents in the spring to purchase bulk garden seed as described in a previous post titled "bulk garden seeds". The Wild Bird Store is a destination that I recommend to my bed and breakfast guests because of its variety of bird seed, feeders, and houses. Many of the feeders and houses are handmade by local craftsman.