Living Green Expo
Minnesota State Fairgrounds St. Paul
May 3-4, 2008
10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Free Admission
60 workshops ("How to Create a Simpler, Happier Life", How to Green Your Commnunity and Make a Difference", etc.)
Food and Musicians
Rain barrels, non-toxic lawncare
Locally grown food information, Minnesota-made fabric
Solar, wind, and geothermal green builders
So much more…
I have attended this Expo for the past three years. Each event teaches and inspires me to return to my corner of the world and make a difference. This year I will be volunteering a portion of my time spent at the event manning a computer station to sign up attendees for the Living Green 365 e-newsletter and other info electronically to reduce paper waste. I will also be giving out a prize for signing up for Living Green 365.