To understand the purpose of the lunch in this photo, you will need to read my entry regarding "Lunch with John" where every Monday at 12:25 on the KLKS Radio Station north of Brainerd, one of the radio announcers opens his lunchbox to see what his wife has packed for him that day. I challenged myself to see what foods I would choose if I were packing his lunch. John uses a Roy Rogers and Dale Evans lunchbox that he's had since he was a kid. This three-tiered stainless steel stackable unit with a carrying handle is what I use for packing a lunch. My daughter, Heather, gave me two of them for a gift. In one compartment I have a turkey bacon, lettuce, tomato, and avocado sandwich made with a slice of homemade whole wheat flax bread spread with pesto. Basil mayo is good, too. In a second container I have a thick slice of yellow watermelon. In the third container I placed a boiled egg from one of my hens, a handful of Garden of Eatin' whole grain chips with flax seed (a new product), and two date balls. Dick and I are off to Crosby to go antiquing for a couple hours. This lunch will be perfect to sit a spell at the Crosby City Park by Serpent Lake.