Today I placed an order for a colony of bees from Mann Lake, Ltd. in Hackensack, Minnesota. If it should happen... shudder... that our present colony succumbs to our brutally cold winter, then this new colony will replace it. Optimistically, we will be expanding our bee population to two colonies when we pick up our new ones in May.
One recipe that I make frequently is Creamy Honey Syrup to serve over French toast, pancakes, and waffles. Real maple syrup is a more nutritious choice, but now and again I throw caution to the wind and indulge in some things just because they taste so unbelievably good.
Creamy Honey Syrup
1 cup sugar
½ cup honey
¼ cup water
½ tsp cinnamon
½ cup whipping cream
In a saucepan stir together the sugar, honey, water, and cinnamon. Bring to a boil over low to medium heat, stirring occasionally. Boil for 2 minutes. Remove from heat and stir in the cream. Syrup will thicken as it cools. Serve warm or at room temperature. It can be refrigerated for several months. Makes 1 ½ cups, serving 12.
Feb. 4, 2009
Today's mileage: 2 mile walk in the brisk outdoors
Total monthly mileage: 8 miles
Bible reading? Yuppers.