My March 2009 Do It Green! E-Newsletter featured a compost bin and rain barrel sale. You can place your order for either or both then pick them up at the Living Green Expo May 2-3, 2009 at the Minnesota State Fair Grounds in St. Paul.
Compost Bin Reg. Price: $79.99 Sale Price: $ 47.00
Rain Barrel Reg Price $115.00 Sale Price: $ 65.00
Instead of a wire cage, as in the photo above, to enclose compostable materials, I have two ComposTumblers. One is on loan from friends until we can transport it to Florida where they live. The other one I purchased from a friend in Brainerd. The price tag for each one was $50.00, so check Craig's list, yard sales, newspaper ads, etc. before you pay full price. All of our kitchen veggie and fruit scraps, that aren't our hens' favorites, go into our tumbler along with chicken manure, a little topsoil, grass clippings, and fall leaves. A few rotations of the bin when you pass by and the addition of water, if rainfall isn't plentiful, is all it takes.
What I dislike about the "compact"-size tumblers that I have is that you must scoop the decomposed material out of the bin and into your wheelbarrow. Whereas, the "original"-size tumbler can accommodate a wheelbarrow underneath, so all you need to do is rotate the tumbler until the door is positioned over the wheelbarrow and it will fall in.
We're going to make our own stand, patterned after the one that this larger size sits on, so that I can fit my wheelbarrow underneath. (Photos courtesy of ComposTumbler)
If you're not familiar with rain barrels, their purpose is to collect rainwater. To maximize collection, you position them at the end of an eave gutter under a shortened downspout. We made our rain two barrels out of former plastic pickle barrels (similar to the one in the photo above), drilled a hole, and attached a spigot. A screen placed over the top opening keeps debris and critters out. The collected rainwater will make your garden plants very happy.
Mar. 12, 2009
Today's mileage: 0 miles
Total monthly mileage for March: 31.25 miles (same as yesterday)
Bible reading? Yes.