I have embarked on a journey back to the era of preplastic. For several years, I have stored leftovers in emptied jars with lids that once held things like pickles, peanut butter, applesauce, and olives. I bring fabric bags to the grocery store to carry my purchases home in. I bring my own jars to the local food co-op to fill with bulk baking supplies... flour, nuts, seeds, grains, and spices/seasonings. I have been baking my own bread, therefore it eliminates the store-bought bread bag, however I was placing my homemade bread in a plastic storage bag (i.e., Ziploc, Glad), so I had made absolutely no progress with that segment of my plastic-free goal. So today I sewed a cloth bag with a drawstring to store my homemade loaf of bread instead of using a plastic bag. Amanda Soule, on her blog soulemama.typepad.com, shared the idea recently after some research into how bread used to be stored "before we had preservatives keeping our bread longer or tupperware in which to store it". The bag is made from a vintage tea towel with the hemmed sides cut off to use as a drawstring. So clever and quick to make.
April 14, 2009
Today's mileage: 0
Total mileage for April: 52.25 miles (same as yesterday)
Bible reading? Yes.