This afternoon I transplanted cauliflower and beets into my covered raised bed. They are plants that I started from seed and have been hanging out in my greenhouse. Beets supposedly fare best when direct-seeded in the garden because they don't transplant well. However, I decided to see if starting them from seed in newspaper pots would make the transition into the garden less traumatic. The roots are undisturbed because the newspaper pot is set intact into the soil.
I also went to the local nursery today to buy some flat leaf parsley. Fat chance that I can get in and out with just parsley. One of the things I added to my cart was some Irish Moss for my gnome habitat that I am creating. Click on the photo to enlarge it so you don't miss the perfect little gently rolling hill that is naturally formed in the moss. To get started, I set a round enamel tray on top of an old... very old tree trunk to catch the water drips when my plantings are in place in the rustyenamel bowl/pan that has rusted through to form perfect drainage holes. Next I will go on a scavenger hunt in search of miniature plants in the woods and in among my stepping stone walkways to use to transform my gnome's world.