Looking for a a sweet spring craft that can be easily transitioned into an Easter basket? For bird assembly, I extend grateful thanks to the creator of an instructional video titled "Paper Crafts for Kids - How to Make Paper Bird (Very Easy)" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5n64xhcD_wg
To add my own spin, I created a simple nest for it to rest upon and to optionally provide a pocket for use as an Easter basket. I attached my bird to a half paper plate for sturdiness and to provide a surface on which to staple the nest's paper folds.
First, I created patterns for the bird's body, wings, beak, and tail feathers by folding paper and drawing desired shapes and sizes then cut the shapes from construction paper. Next, I glued all bird pieces together except the front wing which allows you to reach under it with a stapler to secure all layers of the bird to paper plate. Finally, glue the front wing to bird's body to conceal the staple.
Lastly, I used brown packaging paper that was wrapped around items in my Vitacost order to fashion a nest by stapling it around the edge of the paper plate.
If using for an Easter basket, I found authentic-looking bird eggs at Target. Lindt Mini Eggs Solid Milk Chocolate Eggs with a Crisp Candy Shell. After Easter, set out empty-nested bird for lovely spring decor.